Just in case we haven't spoken to each other in a while: "Happy, New Year!!!" I really hope your favourite rugby team(s) will provide you with happy memories in 2007. (please note: this obviously does NOT apply to you Blue Bull supporters out there... Gmf... Did you really think "to be nice" were one of my new years resolutions??????)
I have to say one thing I have noticed now that the holiday season is officially something of the past, is the return of my favourite tv programs at night on the telly. And all of that got me thinking a bit: With all the drama (and sometimes comedy!) in SA Rugby, it really does remind me of television sometimes....
The Bulls remind me of Shortland Street: Sure, the story line is predictable, the acting is cr@p, and the whole setup just makes you cringe at the best of times, BUT it's popular... And even if you do watch an episode here and there, you'll never ever admit that to your mates in public.
So, how about the Bulls on the rugby field? You KNOW they'll drive it up 5 metres from the line... You know they'll play the Blue Bull song over and over again.... You know Gary Botha and Victor Matfield can't do an interview in English.... But, even if they are better than Western Province, you'll NEVER admit to that in public!!!!
Next up are the Cheetahs. They're like a really "feel good", "cheesy" program. Something like Ugly Betty... Let's face it: Betty's not really what you can call a hottie, but she's a hard worker, and has "such a nice personality"....
The Cheetahs aren't the flashiest team in the world and their players aren't exactly known for their lucrative modelling contracts off the field. They are, well..... just rugby players!! But 3 consecutive Currie Cup finals in 3 years isn't something we take lightly in the Republic... And, who'll ever forget the "come from behind victory against the Bulls in 2005? If that's not "feel good", I don't know!!!
The Lions remind me of Prison Break... "What could possibly go wrong next????" Even if Schofield manages to dodge a bullet during this week's episode, you just know trouble will be not too far away....
On paper the Lions look a bit on the thin side. Serious injuries to their key players, Andre Pretorius and Jaques Fourie, and they're in deep trouble. And let's face it: Those two have been plagued by injury lately, so Lions fans already expect the worst.......
The Sharks, with SA rugby's "forgotten boys", Bob Skinstad and Percy Montgomery, remind me of Boston Legal. Or, let's rather say James Spader and William Shatner in particular. Both actors made a very memorable and succesful comeback with the show. For Bobby's sake I hope his comeback isn't as embarrassing as Sly Stallone's latest instalment of Rocky..........
And then, of course, we have my beloved Stormers. They remind me of the season finale(s) of Lost.... So much promises before hand of "all your questions will be answered, or "this is the one you've been waiting for", but at the end of it, you just feel more and more confused, and if you really think about it: absolutely nothing happened!! What a disappointment!!!
I really hope you don't disappointment me this year, Stormers!!!
Big Pik