Dear Big Pik,
Eish, how unlucky were we last Saturday against the Wannabees?? I tell you, Pik: if only Percy had his kicking boots on..... But, not to worry!! I made him write out 10 000 times "I will never miss another kick in front of the sticks", plus he had to sit in the corner of the airplane on our way home, as his punishment!! Hopefully that taught him a lesson or two!!
Again, there are alot of positives we can take from our effort in Sydney!!! To start with:Wynand broke the world record (previously held by Yevgeny Knocknikov from Kazhakstan)for the quickest handling error in a test match!! (It only took him 1.0158 seconds to knock on, whereas Knocknikov took 9.0354 seconds!) We also managed to score some points against Australia, and, we actually scored 2 tries!!! What more can our supporters ask for, hey??
So, now we're back in the Republic! Alistair, Gert, Peter and I had a good chat about the tour in Aussie and NZ, and decided to make some changes to the squad: Relax, no wholesale changes!! Just some fine tuning! Remember, I've done enough experimenting so far this season... Breytie desperately needed a haircut, so I decided to release him... Jaco told me he needed to gain back his confidence, and expressed his desire to play some flowing, unstructured, running, winning rugby again, so I released him to go join the Bulls......
And yes: I heard your call to include Pienaar, so I delivered!! But, to be honest, I initially picked his dad, Gysie (he's a bit more experienced, you know...) to join us, but he told me he retired 22 years ago.. Remember Pik, I don't just hand out Bok caps...... Francois Pienaar wasn't interested in making a comeback either, so, in the end I had to opt for the young Pienaar... I just hope he's half as good as you say he is!!! Is he a record breaker/holder like Wynand? Can he sing like Eddie? Can he warm a bench like Shimmie, and can he carry a tackle bag like Brent Russell?? Only time will tell, I guess....
Ok, time for me to sign off, chaaina.. I still have 253 unread e-mails to attend to.. The next one in line is from Nick Mallett, nogals!!! What the hell do you think he wants from me??? my job?? (Hehehehe... note to self: never complain about the prices of tickets in public!) Oh well, e-mail says nothing really... He only attached the following link: www.picklukewatson.co.za .......
Keep it real
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